教学设计-English around the world

作者:黄璐 来源:本站原创 日期:2016-06-25 人气:2132






人教版必修一Unit2 English around the world















“English around the world”这一课我根据新课标教学理念,对课文内容进行整合、拓展与补充,采用任务型教学模式,进行探索。本课以世界英语为中心话题,让学生粗略了解世界英语的发展状况,认识各种具有民族、地域特色的英语以及它们出现原因和不同之处。教学环环相扣,设计紧凑。先利用学生感兴趣的话题引起兴趣,然后带着问题有目的地阅读文章。通过回答问题掌握细节,理清线索,再从整体上把握它的结构、特色,学习用英语归纳以及复述,最后以拓展课文知识小组活动完成这节课的整体教学。使他们掌握阅读技巧的同时也增加了见识。在小组讨论过程中,学会用已学词、句表达出自己的观点。学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。

为了能很好地突出重点,突破难点,圆满完成教学任务,取得良好的教学效果,我抓住重点,联系实际,以学生为主体,教师为主导,让学生集中练习。为了激发学生的兴趣愉快地学,我采用限时阅读、快速阅读、判断正误等教学方法,让学生充分体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份。   “English around the world”一课是尝试英语新课标理念下的合作学习、自主探究。《英语新课程标准》明确指出高中英语教学要侧重提高阅读能力,特别注重开发和利用课程资源,创造机会,使学生积极、主动的用英语去思维,去交流。在高中英语教学中,阅读课占的课时最多,但效果并不是很好。本学期我进行了合作学习与自主探究新课程理念的探索,教材处理从学生的学习兴趣和认知水平出发,倡导学生体验参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学模式,由学生共同努力来实现教学目标。引导学生利用所学语言来完成任务,培养学生用英语来思维、交流,真正地体现了学中用,做中学的原则。



教学内容分析:本单元讨论的中心话题是“世界英语”,具体涉及英语在当今世界范围内人们生活中扮演的不同角色及其重要意义,尤其介绍了英美语言的差异,让学生进一步了解学好英语的必要性及其重要意义。促使学生了解英美语言在词汇、拼写、语音等方面的区别。使学生在认识到学好英语的重要性的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的爱国意识。本课是高中一年级英语上册 Unit 2 English around the world 中的Reading.部分。本课的语言知识及语言技能主要是围绕“世界英语”这一中心话题进行设计的。


生情况分析:    高一(6)班学生们层次差异大,一部分学生英语基础较差,但是大部分学生的思维活动、学习热情、表现欲望和合作精神在平时的教学中表现良好。同时,他们具备一定的电脑操作知识和网上搜索和查阅知识的能力。(我指导、鼓励学生课前、课后利用网络资源或图书馆查找有关资料对世界英语进行了解,使师生、生生实现资源共享。)根据这些特点,我采用与新课标要求相一致的新的教学方式,即小组合作学习,调动全班学生的积极性,在师生互动、生生互动中实现教学任务和目标。




  1. 语言目标


2. 情感目标

 让学生领会英美不同文化差异和风俗习惯, 领会语言丰富多彩性和发展变化的特征,使学生在认识世界英语在人们生活中扮演的不同角色的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的爱国意识。培养他们的跨国文化意识和世界意识。













  3.  如何引导学生在段落篇章阅读中运用略读、细读等阅读技巧提升阅读能力。

  4. 如何引导学生通过课文的学习认识到学好英语重要性的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,促进学生自主学习。

  5. 怎样以阅读课的教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力





(中文为主 + 所教学科目标语言)


步骤一:导入Warming up by making a list 5分钟)

There is not a single English in the world. There are varieties of English. That is, there are many different dialects of English in the world. We are going to make a list of dialects of the English language.

International English or World English

Commonwealth English, Native American English, North American English

Mid-Atlantic English, South Asian English, East Asian English

在学生对英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言和越来越多的人在学习英语的现有情况了解的基础上,引出问题“Do you know how many countries use English as their mother tongueDo you know something about English around the world”在学生思索时,引出课题English around the world。接着再询问学生:What language has the largest number of speakers in the world? What language is the most widely spoken and  used in the world? How many countries do you know use English as their mother tongue?




步骤二:Pre-reading 读前准备(5分钟)

在学生回答了以上问题后,我让学生尽可能多地列出学习英语的原因。Ask the students to suggest as many reasons as they can think of, for example, for work, as a hobby, to learn about other people, to travel, to read literature in the original, to read research papers, to meet foreigners, to surf the Internet, to pass exams, etc. Write their suggestions on the board as they make them.




步骤三:Reading  19分钟)

任务 1Skimming略读  5分钟)

Read quickly to get the main idea of the text.

Let the students find out key sentence of each paragraph or ask them to summarize the main point for each paragraph in their own words.

Paragraph 1: The spread of the English language in the world

Paragraph 2: Native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything.

Paragraph 3: All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.

Paragraph 4: English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in Africa and Asia.


设计意图:训练学生快速阅读,归纳各段落的中心大意的能力。(Skimming for the main idea


任务2Scanning查读  6分钟)



1.There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English in the world.()

2.There are more than 37,500,000 people who learn English as a second language.()

3.New Zealand, South Africa, the Republic of Ireland and the Philippines use English as their mother tongue.()

4.More than 750,000,000 people learn English as a foreign language.()

5.English is the only one working language of most international organizational trade and tourism.(  )





1. According to the text, which is TRUE about those who use English as a second language?

A. English is also their mother tongue.

B. They use more than two official languages in their country.

C. People enjoy talking to their family members at home in their native language.

D. They learn English at high school for about five years.

2.What’s the situation of English used in China?

A. Most Chinese students learn English at school as a foreign language.

B. All Chinese students speak English as a foreign language.

C. The majority of Chinese students speak English at school as a second language.

D. The majority of people in Hong Kong use English as their mother language.

3.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. There are more than 42 countries where the majority of  people speak English in the world.

B. More than 750 million people learn English as a foreign language.

C. English is the language of global culture such as popular music and the Internet.

D. English is the language which is the most important and widely used in the world today.

4.Which is right according to the text?

A. Native speakers of English might find it unnecessary for them to learn a foreign language.

B. English will be the only English to be used in the future.

C. English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.

D. With the development of China’s economy, Chinese will be more and more important than English.

5.Which is WRONG to answer the following questions.

  Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English?

A. More and more people will become interested in English.

B. English is one of the working languages of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.

C. We can communicate with people around the world everywhere through the Internet by using English.

D. English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.




步骤四:Listening and Consolidation 听课文 (4分钟)

Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation ant intonation.






步骤五:Post-reading 8分钟)

  Group-work 分小组讨论:1Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English? 2 In which countries do we find most native speakers of English? Give the names of three counties. 3 Living in China you can use English every day in different situations. Give two examples.给学生五分钟的时间分组讨论,然后让每组的代表给出答案(完成本课教学目标)。 教师在布置任务后,应监控各小组的活动,适当的时候可以参与到学生的活动中去。在活动中,教师多用评价性语言:Marvelous /Excellent /Fantastic /Well done/Great…




步骤六Summing-up总结  3分钟)

Through learning this passage, we have got to know that English is becoming more and more popular all over the world now. So English learning seems important to everyone, especially us students of the new century. With China’s entry into WTO, English will play a more important part in business, in tourism, and even in people’s daily life. So there is no doubt that everyone should have a good knowledge of English. And I hope everyone in our class can make an effort to learn English well. But on the other hand, it doesn’t mean English is better than Chinese. We must keep it in mind that one’s mother tongue is the most beautiful language in the world. The reason why we learn English is that we should thus be more capable of building up our country.


设计意图:这是个很好的机会引导学生在领会学好英语的重要性的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的爱国意识。Its a good chance to lead the students to love our own country as well as to learn English well.


骤七:Homework布置作业  1分钟)

1. 课后熟读课文;

2.Retell the text(复述课文)

3.Finish exercises on page11.












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